Sunday, June 22, 2008

Social Bookmarking

Oi! So while I know I've totally been out of the "physically coding" spectrum of my knowledge, work and what-not for a few years - I can't believe that I had SOOO much trouble finding a decent code (aka working code) for a social bookmarking app/widget.

Searching Google was an abysmal foray which led me to every hack known to man that needed 50 other hacks to itself to actually work.

It was more through reading people's comments, forums and chats that I finally found one that I could live with, and could easily manipulate with my understanding of xml/javascript/html (which is a roller-coaster of limits) and that I still liked the look of.

Hans at Beautiful Beta has an extremely easy to insert and easy to understand Social Bookmarking javascript code that works wonderfully. He also gives direct instructions for use on Blogger, which had been the bane of many of the other apps I saw out there, which when I implemented simply did NOT work with Blogger. He's also got a lot of other widgets and codes that I'm sure would interest a lot of bloggers.

Anywho - that's my short technical rant for today - and I'm sure you can see the results of my work now (or really Hans' work) at the end of each of my posts now!

1 comment: said...

hmm, thanks for the post, I'm going to have to try and add them buttons to my blog too..I've been meanin to look into it for a while...