Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tomorrow is approaching...

Tomorrow is approaching,
So much so that it is already here.
Hard steps to be a'takin.
Walk slowly, but not in fear.

I ruminated with Michele the other night about how, this time around, during this extremely hard and stressful time - I haven't done the one and only thing I usually do - which is write.

Whether it be a blog, or a page, or a short story or even just a "scene" - I've always written. Mostly to escape, sometimes to be creative, and always to find some piece of 'me' to hold on to.

Writing just does that. Even in the smallest amounts.

Usually - I've at least always "written" through prose and indirect intimation towards my state of mind in quick lines that fit into my msn handles. People are usually thoroughly confused or thoroughly shocked - but most definitely not dismissive.

But even that... for so long... has been... missing. Catapang even once commented how wax poetic it all was... but I just haven't been there in so long.

Until tonight.

I have begun with the above. It isn't great. It isn't meaningful - except in invisible ways. Oh the effort to get there - I crave to return to the ease that it used to flow from. Perhaps soon....

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