Thursday, July 24, 2008

Europe Day 21: Goodbye Europe...

Well – there’s not much to say about today. There’s very little of it that we’ve spent doing anything but being in the processes of leaving.

Our hotel provided a wake-up call on time and we managed to eat some breakfast. They also arranged for our car to the airport. It’s actually about a 30 minute ride from the city so we had to leave early in order to arrive on time for our flight.

Once there, we met up with the Toronto crew from our tour – we all had tickets on the same flight out heading directly to Toronto.

Checking in took quite awhile – there were a lot of people on our flight. However having a group of friends to hang out with during the waiting really made things better than usual.

H-Rabbit is a hijacker!
Well – not really – but one of the security guards thought so. She forgot that the Swiss Army knife she had bought her brother as a souvenir was packed in her purse instead of the suitcases – and when we were going through the security check – they stopped her dead cold.

They wouldn’t let her through and were going to confiscate it – but it cost a fair amount so she couldn’t part with it. Instead – she had to run all the way back to the check-in and check her purse. We emptied all her stuff into my carry on – and then she ran for her life – because if she didn’t catch the check-in before the line was over – she’d miss the packing of our plane and it would all have been for nothing. It sucked large that check-in and security were so far apart.

The Toronto Crew waiting patiently
The rest of us hung out and waited patiently hoping she’d make it back in time – and she did – I think she almost died doing it – but she did. After she passed through security a second time – the group of us then wandered over to the gate to hang until boarding.

Finally off and on our way home
We’re on the flight now and it’s smooth sailing. Definitely a long flight ahead – ten hours is a bit of a trek – but dreams of my own bed make it worth it.

Home Again
Well – this one’s a short one. H-Rabbit’s parents met us at the Airport and drove us home. We’re so glad to be back but the days ahead are going to be crazy. Our hectic schedule only continues here at home – but this Europe trip has been an amazing experience. We’ll remember it always and we can’t wait to figure out what we’re going to do with all of our pictures and souvenirs.

Thank you Europe for an amazing life experience – I can’t wait to see you again.

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