Monday, September 8, 2008

It's all about the light...

Since photography really isn't a main focus right now - spending on the hobby doesn't rate too high on my list though I'm still dreaming of the day that I can get my hands on a proper Canon Mark II.

In the meantime - I'm trying to solve little problems with little solutions to aid the level of photography I need for other ventures.

While I was awesomely impressed with so many of the pictures we took in Europe - I was highly disappointed in the turn out of the pictures I've been taking at these last few weddings I have been to.

I realized then that the reason was very much the difference in ratio of outdoor shots to indoor shots. And on indoor shots - our camera just isn't doing well unless using a tripod on a severely slow shutter speed.

We tried working with the onboard flash - but no matter what setting we had it at - it always created severe flash tunnel, as well as flash out. The harsh light just isn't manageable. Also - taking pictures of Wynnie girl always ended with her fur shining and harsh and reflecting back - making for not so nice photos.

In an attempt to 'diffuse' the issue - I bought a small onboard camera flash diffuser called the Puffer from Gary Fong.

While helping a little bit however - it still didn't do the job.

So what was left? Buying a 'real' and good separate flash. However - cash is simply not in the pot for that right now.

So in the end - it was lady luck who came to the rescue. In combing through our condo and doing a little fall cleaning - we managed to find an old flash that H-Rabbit used to use with her film camera back in highschool. Luck being in a good mood - she even provided batteries and ensured the flash was compatible with our Canon Rebel's shoe.

The result - voila above! One of the best round of pictures I've been able to take of Wynnie where her fur actually looks like it does in real life. No glare, no bounce, rich colour and a very soft picture - and I only diffused with the flash's own diffuser layer.

Can't wait to get the chance to use it more in a few other indoor settings. Too bad I hadn't found it earlier - all my wedding pictures would be ten times better!

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