Friday, August 8, 2008

08!08!08! Congratulations Robyn & Brian!

On this most luckiest of days of the entire century - 080808 - one of my good friends from my highschool days and her bestest friend in the world got married in a blaze of love, craziness and excitement.

It was really beautiful to see Robyn and the amazing life she has created for herself amongst the tough history that has so far followed her in her journey. Brian is not only her best friend, but a strong partner who has devoted his life not only to her, but to her son as well.

The day was a whirlwind of events, that even included crazy TV antics as Brian works for CityTV - AND - their wedding was being featured on the show Wedding SOS.

LanaByng and I came together, and met up with our "usual suspects" of "fr-amily" - including lots of faces from school years past.

LanaByng was also one of the reception's MCs - so she had to deal directly with the crazy SOS woman. Being part of the television show also added extremely high drama to the event. One of Robyn's "wishes" that she was granted by the wedding "fairy godmother" was to have an extremely spectacular entrance to her reception - and spectacular it was, with smoke, lights, music and a grand staircase. Remind me to keep that in mind for future parties!

All in all - it was a wonderful day, night and eventually wee morning hours as we all danced our hearts out and spent the time basked in love and friendship.

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